(2017) - Tale of Years


Düzenlendi02/01/2018 - 14:48 tarafından [MM]Gallas


~ Goodies ~

1. KILL Numenor, Barad-Dur and Grey Mountains
2. When Sauron forges the One Ring and then dies *IF* Isildur is alive he will take the ring, then you can send Isildur to MT. DOOM and Isildur will destroy the ring and GOODS WILL WIN

Player 2 - Arnor

- Bring Elendil Annuminas for an upgrade
- Reunite the Sons of Elendil in Fornost for an upgrade
- When the King of Arnor dies a new one will take his place the line is Isildur Elendur Aratan Ciryon Valandil Arandil
- Bring Elendil, Gil-Galad to Numenor for a power up AND A BONUS SPAWN
- Bring Isildur to Anarior for a power up
- Bring Gandalf to Cirdan for a powerup
- When Celebrimbor creates the Three Elven Rings and Cirdan dies Gandalf will inherit the Ring

Player 3 - Elves

- Bring Celebrimbor to his SMITH in Ost-in-Edhil to create The Three Elven Rings of Power
- When Celebrimbor dies his ring is passed to Galadriel - when she dies Sauron takes it
- When Gil-Galad dies Elrond inherits his ring - when Elrond dies Sauron takes it
- When Cirdan dies - Gandalf inherits his ring
- Bring Elrond to Rivendell for a powerup
- Bring Galadriel and Celeborn to Ost-in-Edhil for a power up
- Bring Galadriel and Celeborn to Lorinand to become Lothlorien and receive a powerup
- When Amdir dies , Amroth takes the crown of Lorinand
- When Amdir and Amroth and Nimrodel die , Smaug and Scatha receive a power up
- When Oropher is slain - Thranduil takes the crown - then Legolas
- If all three Silvan Kings die - Smaug and Scatha receive a powerup
- Bring Glorfindel to Saurons Encampment for a powerup
- Bring Radagast to Treebeard for an upgrade

Player 6 - Dwarves

- Bring Narvi to Celebrimbor for an upgrade
- When Durin III dies Durin IV takes the crown, then Narvi - If all three die - The Great Goblin King grow stronger
- Bring Tom Bombadil to Barad-dur for an upgrade
- Bring Tom Bombadil to Durthang for an upgrade
- Bring Tom Bombadil to Numenor for an upgrade
- Bring Tom Bombadil to Khand for an upgrade
- Bring Tom Bombadil to Rhun for an upgrade
- Bring Tom Bombadil to Dunland for an upgrade
- Bring Treebeard to Radagast for an upgrade
- Bring Allatar to Khand for an upgrade
- Bring Pallando to Rhun for an upgrade

Player 7 - Gondor

- Bring Anarior to Isildur for an upgrade
- Bring Anarior and Isildur to Minas Ithil for an upgrade
- Bring Anarior, Gil-Galad and Elendil to Numenor for an upgrade
- Bring Saruman to Orthanc for an upgrade
- When the King of Gondor dies another takes its place The line is Anarion Meneldil Cemendur Earendil Anardil Ostoher

~ Baddies ~

~ TO WIN YOU MUST DESTROY 1. Fornost 2. Anduine. 3. Khazad-Dum 4. Mithlond. 5. Osgiliath

Player 1 - Mordor

- Bring Sauron to Mt Doom to Create the One Ring
- Bring Sauron to Mithlond for an upgrade
- Bring Sauron and Pharazon to Meneltarma in Numenor for an upgrade
- Bring the Mouth of Sauron to Lorien for an upgrade
- Bring the MOS to Greeenwood for an upgrade
- Bring the MOS to Ost-in-Edhil for an upgrade
- Bring the MOS to Edhellond for an upgrade
- Bring Khamul to Minas Ithil for a Nazgul upgrade
- Kill the line of Kings of Arnor and Gondor for a Nazgul Sauron upgrade
- Bring Grond to Numenor for an upgrade

Player 4 - Numenor

- Bring Ar-Gimilzor to Dunland for an upgrade
- When Ar-Gimilzor dies - Tar-Palantir takes the crown - Then Ar-Gimilkhad - then Ar-Pharazon
- When all the Kings of Numenor die the Sons fo Elendil grow stronger
- Bring Ar-Gimilzor to the Anduine for an upgrade to the Kings of Numenor
- Bring Ar-Gimilkhad to Vinyalonde for he and The Hound of Numenor to grow stronger
- Bring Ar Pharazon to Sauron at Meneltarma in Numenor for an upgrade
- Bring Ar-Pharazon to Ered luin for an upgrade

Player 5 - Goblins

- Bring the Withcking to Fornost for an upgrade
- Bring the WK to Elostirion for an upgrade
- Bring the WK to Tharbad for an upgrade
- Bring the WK to Vinyalonde for an upgrade
- Bring the WK to Carn-dum for an upgrade
- Bring the Great Goblin King to Khazad for an upgrade
- Kill the 3 Kings of Khazad-dum, DURIN III DURIN IV and NARVI - for The Great Goblin King to receive an upgrade
- Kill the 3 Silvan kings for an ugpgrade to Scatha and Smaug
- Kill the Kings of Lorien for upgrade to Scatha and Smaug

Civilization Bonuses


Speed and Monk Civilization
- Infantry & Archers plus 15% Speed.
- Infantry plus 1000 HP.
- Monks gain Extra Healing Speed and 1500 HP.


Foot Archer Civilization
- Towers gain 4500 HP and 100 AP.
- Foot Archers gain +150 HP, Hero Archers gain +1500 HP.
- 2 Starting Kings.


Defencive Civilization
- Castles +7500 HP and +250 AP, Towers +5000 HP and +150 AP.
- Cavalry +25 Melee Armour and +50 Pierce Armour.
- Monks gain Extra Healing Speed and 500 HP.


Infantry Civilization
- Infantry +1000 HP.
- Rams +15% Speed +1500 HP and +150 AP.
- Scorpions +1 Range + 15% Speed + 500 HP


Archer & Scorpion Civilization
- Archers +500 HP and +40 AP.
- Scorpions +75 Melee Armour, 50 Pierce Armour.
- 1 Starting King.


Cavalry Civilization
- Cavalry +1000 HP, +25 Melee Armour and +25 Pierce Armour.
- Ranged Infantry Units (Martels, Haralds, Thorwing Axemen) +1 Range and +750 HP.
- 2 Starting Kings.
- Wizards - 1 Range


Infantry Civilization
- Infantry +750 HP, +25 Melee Armour and +50 Pierce Armour.
- Infantry +10% Speed.
- 2 Starting Kings.


Cavalry Civilization
- Cavalry +10% Speed.
- Cavalry Archers +200 HP and +50 AP.
- Cavalry +750 Hp, +15 Melee Armour and +30 Pierce Armour.


Infantry Civilization
- Infantry +750 HP and 5% speed increase.
- War Ships +1500 HP and +75 AP.
- 2 Starting King.


Tower and Naval Civilization
- Rams +9000HP
-Scorpions +500 HP
- War Ships +1 Range and 1500 HP.
- Towers +1 Range +5000 HP and 100 AP.


Archer Civilization
- Archers +5% Speed, +100 HP and +25 Pierce Armour.
- Infantry +750 HP.
- Hero Archers +1 Range.
- 2 Starting Kings.


Cavalry Archer Civilization
- Cavarly Archers +1 Range and +250 HP.
- Siege Weapons +2000 HP & 15% Speed
- Cavalry +750 HP.


Cavalry Civilization
- Elephants +30% Speed, +2000 HP and +100 AP.
- Camels +1500 HP, +150 AP, +25 Melee Armour and +50 Pierce Armour.
- 1 Starting King.


Camel and Naval Civilization
- War Ships +1000 HP and +100 AP.
- Ships +20% Speed.
- Mamelukes and Camels +750 HP and +100 AP.


Gunpowder and Monk Civilization
- Monks gain Extra Healing Speed and 1500 HP.
- Castles + 5000HP 150AP
- Towers +3000HP 50AP
- War ships, +150 AP, +35 Melee Armour and +70 Pierce Armour.


Infantry Civilization
- Castles +2 Range +8000HP 400AP
- Towers +3000HP 75AP
- Infantry +500 HP, +50 AP, +15% Speed .


Gunpowder Civilization
- Cavarly +1000 HP and +75 AP.
- Castles +5000 HP and +150 AP, Towers +3000 HP and +50 AP.
- 2 Starting Kings.


Infantry and Naval Civilization
- Ships +1000 HP and +20% Speed..
- Infantry 750 HP, +75 AP, +15 Melee Armour, +30 Pierce Armour and +10% Speed
- Harold and Axemen DO NOT GET HP

An intensive guide on Lord of the Rings

Three words you need to understand before playing any Lord of the Rings scenario. Having some understanding of the following words will give you a better grasp on how these maps are meant to be played.

Definition : The organising of something.
How it relates to the game : Organisation is quite simply one of the most crucial aspects of the game. It entails the grouping of specific unit types, for example Archers with Archers, Cavalry with Cavalry and so on. Advanced players will make the point of going into greater detail when organising their armies, for example grouping Archers of equal or similar range together, and lower range Archers seperatly.

Definition : Communicating, something communicated; a message.
How it relates to the game : Communication is a vital part of the game, without adequate communication the effectiveness of your team will be greatly reduced. It basically covers the ingame discussions between you and your allies, requests and advice about troop placement, reinforcement requests and enemy troop movements. Being aware of the enemies movements is crucial, and warning your allies about such movements is mutually beneficial.

Definition : Work helpfully with other people.
How it relates to the game : Cooperation, the definition says it all. Work with your allies, be yourself organised enough that you can fully cooperate with your allies without the need for them to communicate requests to you. Have elements of your army in suitable covering positions to adequatly support your allies at all times. In other words; Do not act and play as though you are a one man team.


Some of the simple abbreviations used by LotR players...

Arch = Archers
Inf = Infantry
Meat Shields = Infantry
Cav = Cavalry
Cav Arch = Horse Archers
Hero Cav = A collection of a players strongest Cavalry including heroes
Elite Inf = Like normal Infantry but much stronger, better used as protection for your own Archers
Axes = Like normal Infantry but possesing some range, better used as protection for your own Archers
Eles = Elephants, strong units with high HP and sizeable AP can effectively kill most units
HP = Health Points, the current health of any unit
AP = Attack Points, the current units attack damage
AoD = The Army of the Dead, units that can be claimed by Gondor or the Easterlings.
Sniping = Using your own archers or other ranged units to target primarily enemy archers or other ranged units.
HnR= Hit and Run, Using a certain unit to target specific enemy units and running away before the enemy attacks said unit.(considered very cheap/noob tactic)
Rush = Using a sizeable force of units to overwhelm an enemy position/base in the early minutes of the game.
Flank = Attacking an enemy from the side, taking advantage of his weakest area.
Fronts = The current point of contact between you and your enemy, more than one Front may be active at any time.
Givers = Givers are fishtraps located in the corner of the map used to give complete control of 1 players units to another, by deleting a specific labelled fishtrap. Usually done when someone drops/resigns.

Most players will have a combination of units. Arch, Inf, Cav, Elite Inf, Hero Cav, Axes.
Some players civilizations will have more of some groups and none of the others, Dwarves for example may contain alot of Inf, Elite Inf and Axes but no Arch or Cav. Elves on the other hand may have alot of Arch and Cav, but very little Inf, Elite Inf or Axes. Meaning these 2 players must work together as a team to be effective. Mordor for another example contains a large contingent of all unit types meaning this player can operate independently without the need of support from an ally, this does not mean an ally should not help Mordor in any event.


The use of an army...

Defending - When playing as any one of the "defenders" holding choke points is crucial this allows your much smaller army to deal a great amount of damage to the much larger attacking army. Use Inf to block the gap preferably on Stand Ground formation this prevents them being lured by the enemy and maintains your control of the choke point. Keeping Arch behind in close proximity also on Stand Ground allows you to fire upon the enemy with minimal threat to your Arch. Having Elite Inf and/or Axes nearby your Arch, if the enemy breaks through your Inf you can still protect your Arch while you retreat or bring more Inf. Having Cav or Hero Cav in a strategic position is also crucial, allowing you to take advantage of any unguarded enemy Arch, and protecting your weakest Flank points

Attacking - When playing as any one of the "attackers" your best weapon is the Rush if performed correctly you can eliminate a large contingent of your enemies force with minimal losses, making the rest of your campaign against this enemy substantially easier. Eventually your Rush will come to an end whether by your choice or the organisation of the enemies force repelling your Rush. To proceed beyond this point it is advisable to attack the enemy on multiple Fronts, this seperates the bulk of their army and allows you more Flank opportunities. Attacking should always be done with Inf infront and Arch behind using Eles in place of Inf is very effective as they take alot longer for the enemy to kill and can break through choke points with relative ease, if supported. Having Elite Inf and/or Axes nearby by your advancing Arch is always recommended in the event the enemy tries to Flank you. Keeping your Cav or Hero Cav in a sutiable position allows you Flank opportunities.

Counter Attacking - Performing a succesful Counter Attack is all about timing, waiting until your enemies initial attacking force is relatively weak and launching into your own Rush and Flank on his position. Using your own Inf to push forward followed by your own Arch on his remaining army, primarily Arch while using your own Cav to Flank said Arch preventing their retreat. A succesful Counter Attack has the ability to change the course of an entire game, making the once dominant attacking force much more passive due to loosing crucial units. A failed Counter Attack can have a truely detrimental effect on the army who attempted it, resulting in the loss of a substantial amount of units. Counter Attacks can themselves be Countered by the enemy using this same method, its not fool proof but it is still very effective if performed correctly.


=LotR= 7p Tale of Years Diamond V6.scx (dosya boyutu: 189.91 KB)
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Gönderildi 21/08/2017 - 10:31
You edited the Baddie win condition, removed _Bone_'s credentials from the guide and you let your naked self be at the bottom. Impressive. ;doofy
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Gönderildi 21/08/2017 - 14:06
You edited the Baddie win condition, removed _Bone_'s credentials from the guide and you let your naked self be at the bottom. Impressive. ;doofy
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Gönderildi 23/08/2017 - 11:53
Anywho, you can spam your naked self all over Voobly, although you have not attached the scenario to this thread you epic noob.
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Gönderildi 23/08/2017 - 15:58
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Gönderildi 23/08/2017 - 16:20
But is it CBA? /s
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Gönderildi 23/08/2017 - 19:43
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Gönderildi 23/08/2017 - 21:37
Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't the user, chim_beats_icey make this map?! ;2confused
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Gönderildi 25/08/2017 - 10:58
the hmmmm.....the drawv.....oaken...hmmmm U_......RIGHT!!!!!!!!! THE BOOT IS WITH YOU

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